Cover of the book "Renewal: The Anti-Aging Revolution"

Imagine reversing heart disease, boosting your brainpower, or feeling more energetic with every decade. Renewal: the Anti-Aging Revolution follows Dr. Timothy Smith's groundbreaking path into the nature of health and wellness. In it, you'll discover the human body's remarkable ability to rejuvenate itself at the cellular level through optimum diet, nutritional medicine and exercise. Whether your goal is to fight disease, to live longer, or to feel and look your best, you'll find the answers in Renewal.

Table of Contents
Renewal A Unified Theory of Aging
1 Renewal Theory and the Aging Process: Hope for the Future
2 Defeating Free Radicals: The Key to Longevity
3 Renewal Theory: A New View of Aging
4 The Renewal Anti-Aging Program
The Renewal Anti-Aging Diet
5 The Anti-Aging Diet for Optimum Health and Longevity
6 The Case Against a Carnivorous Diet
Fats: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Ugly
8 Fat Power: The Essential Fatty Acids
9 The Path to a Low-Fat, Health-Supporting Diet
10 Protein: More Is Not Better
11 Avoiding Pesticides and Food Additives: The Organic Solution
12 How to Prevent Cancer
13 Fighting Cancer with Your Fork: The Cancer Prevention Diet
14 Risky Red Meat: Big Beef on the Run
15 Chicken Is Not a Health Food
16 The Fish Quandary: Where Has It Been?
17 The Habits: Alcohol, Caffeine, and Sugar
18 Foods That Renew: Switching to the Anti-Aging Diet
Supplements Essential for Maximum Life Span
19 Why Supplements Are Necessary
20 Preventing a Silent Epidemic
21 Supplements Provide Nutritional Insurance
22 Should You Trust Your Doctor?
The Renewal Anti-Aging Supplement Program
23 The Basic Components of Your Personal Supplement Strategy
24 Antioxidants: The Front Line in the Fight Against Free Radicals
25 The Phytochemical Revolution
26 Ginseng; The King of Tonics
27 Ginkgo: Nature's Brain Booster
28 Garlic: The Most Amazing Herb of All
29 Age-Proofing Your Brain: Smart Pills and Neuronutrients
30 Fiber: Zen Food and Internal Cleanser
31 Acidophilus: Protection That Grows on You
The Anti-Aging Hormones
32 Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
33 DHEA and Pregnenolone: The Anti-Aging Superhormones
34 Melatonin: Medical Megamarvel or Magnificent Myth?
35 The Sex Hormones
36 Thyroid Hormone: Deficiency Drives the Signs of Aging
The Renewal Anti-Aging Exercise Program
37 Exercise as if Your Life Depends on It...It Does
Renewal for Life
38 Implementing the Renewal Anti-Aging Program
39 Epilogue
Tools for Renewal
40 Renewal 14-Day Menu Plan
41 Renewal Meal Ideas
42 Renewal Recipes
43 Resources and References